{ "currentVersion": 10.81, "serviceDescription": "
Updated building footprint data in March of 2025 for Monroe (based on 2023 Orthoimagery) and Orange (based on 2021 Orthoimagery/2022 LiDAR). Previously Broome, Cortland, Onondaga and Warren Counties based on 2022 orthoimagery as of March 2024.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> The New York State building footprints service contains building footprints with address information. The footprints have address point information folded in from the Streets and Address Matching (SAM - http://gis.ny.gov/streets/) address point file. The building footprints have a field called \u201cAddress Range\u201d, this field shows (where available) either a single address or an address range, depending on the address points that fall within the footprint. Ex: 3860 Atlantic Avenue or Ex: 32 - 34 Wheatfield Circle<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Building footprints in New York State are from four different sources: Microsoft, Open Data, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and Geospatial Services. The majority of the footprints are from NYSERDA, except in NYC where the primary source was Open Data. Microsoft footprints were added where the other 2 sources were missing polygons.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Field Descriptions: NYSGeo Source : tells the end user if the source is NYSERDA, Microsoft, NYC Open Data, and could expand from here in the future<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Address Point Count: the number of address points that fall within that building footprint<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Address Range : If an address point falls within a footprint it lists the range of those address points. Ex: if a building is on a corner of South Pearl and Beaver Street, 40 points fall on the building, and 35 are South Pearl Street it would give the range of addresses for South Pearl. We also removed sub addresses from this range, primarily apartment related. For example, in above example, it would not list 30 South Pearl, Apartment 5A, it would list 30 South Pearl.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Most Common Street : the street name of the largest number of address points. In the above example, it would list \u201cSouth Pearl\u201d as the most common street since the majority of address points list it as the street.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Other Streets: the list of other streets that fall within the building footprint, if any. In the above example, \u201cBeaver Street\u201d would be listed since address points for Beaver Street fall on the footprint but are not in the majority.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> County Name : County name populated from CIESINs. If not populated from CIESINs, identified by the GS<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Municipality Name : Municipality name populated from CIESINs. If not populated from CIESINs, identified by the GS<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Source: Source where the data came from. If NYSGeo Source = NYSERDA, the data would typically list orthoimagery, LIDAR, county data, etc.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Source ID: if NYSGeo Source = NYSERDA, Source ID would typically list an orthoimage or LIDAR tile<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Source Date: Date the footprint was created. If the source image was from 2016 orthoimagery, 2016 would be the Source Date.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Description of each footprint source:<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> NYSERDA Building footprints that were created as part of the New York State Flood Impact Decision Support Systems http://fidss.ciesin.columbia.edu/home Footprints vary in age from county to county.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> Microsoft Building Footprints released 6/28/2018 - vintage unknown/varies. More info on this dataset can be found at https://blogs.bing.com/maps/2018-06/microsoft-releases-125-million-building-footprints-in-the-us-as-open-data.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> NYC Open Data - Building Footprints of New York City as a polygon feature class. Last updated 7/30/2018, downloaded on 8/6/2018. Feature Class of footprint outlines of buildings in New York City. Please see the following link for additional documentation- https://github.com/CityOfNewYork/nyc-geo-metadata/blob/master/Metadata/Metadata_BuildingFootprints.md<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV>",
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"copyrightText": "NYSERDA; CIESIN; NYS ITS Geospatial Services; Microsoft; Open Data",
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"documentInfo": {
"Title": "New York State Building Footprints",
"Author": "NYS ITS Geospatial Services",
"Comments": "Updated building footprint data in March of 2025 for Monroe (based on 2023 Orthoimagery) and Orange (based on 2021 Orthoimagery/2022 LiDAR). Previously Broome, Cortland, Onondaga and Warren Counties based on 2022 orthoimagery as of March 2024. The New York State building footprints service contains building footprints with address information. The footprints have address point information folded in from the Streets and Address Matching (SAM - http://gis.ny.gov/streets/) address point file. The building footprints have a field called \u201cAddress Range\u201d, this field shows (where available) either a single address or an address range, depending on the address points that fall within the footprint. Ex: 3860 Atlantic Avenue or Ex: 32 - 34 Wheatfield Circle Building footprints in New York State are from four different sources: Microsoft, Open Data, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and Geospatial Services. The majority of the footprints are from NYSERDA, except in NYC where the primary source was Open Data. Microsoft footprints were added where the other 2 sources were missing polygons. Field Descriptions: NYSGeo Source : tells the end user if the source is NYSERDA, Microsoft, NYC Open Data, and could expand from here in the futureAddress Point Count: the number of address points that fall within that building footprintAddress Range : If an address point falls within a footprint it lists the range of those address points. Ex: if a building is on a corner of South Pearl and Beaver Street, 40 points fall on the building, and 35 are South Pearl Street it would give the range of addresses for South Pearl. We also removed sub addresses from this range, primarily apartment related. For example, in above example, it would not list 30 South Pearl, Apartment 5A, it would list 30 South Pearl.Most Common Street : the street name of the largest number of address points. In the above example, it would list \u201cSouth Pearl\u201d as the most common street since the majority of address points list it as the street. Other Streets: the list of other streets that fall within the building footprint, if any. In the above example, \u201cBeaver Street\u201d would be listed since address points for Beaver Street fall on the footprint but are not in the majority.County Name : County name populated from CIESINs. If not populated from CIESINs, identified by the GSMunicipality Name : Municipality name populated from CIESINs. If not populated from CIESINs, identified by the GSSource: Source where the data came from. If NYSGeo Source = NYSERDA, the data would typically list orthoimagery, LIDAR, county data, etc.Source ID: if NYSGeo Source = NYSERDA, Source ID would typically list an orthoimage or LIDAR tileSource Date: Date the footprint was created. If the source image was from 2016 orthoimagery, 2016 would be the Source Date. Description of each footprint source:NYSERDA Building footprints that were created as part of the New York State Flood Impact Decision Support Systems http://fidss.ciesin.columbia.edu/home Footprints vary in age from county to county.Microsoft Building Footprints released 6/28/2018 - vintage unknown/varies. More info on this dataset can be found at https://blogs.bing.com/maps/2018-06/microsoft-releases-125-million-building-footprints-in-the-us-as-open-data.NYC Open Data - Building Footprints of New York City as a polygon feature class. Last updated 7/30/2018, downloaded on 8/6/2018. Feature Class of footprint outlines of buildings in New York City. Please see the following link for additional documentation- https://github.com/CityOfNewYork/nyc-geo-metadata/blob/master/Metadata/Metadata_BuildingFootprints.md",
"Subject": "Building footprints in New York State from four different sources: Microsoft, Open Data, NYSERDA and Geospatial Services.",
"Category": "",
"AntialiasingMode": "None",
"TextAntialiasingMode": "Force",
"Keywords": "Building; Footprint"
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